I flashed as I read that. I saw this young boy who's picture I found in an HR business journal of all places. Probably an article on leading with authenticity. He's wearing a bright red cape and is standing like he has all the confidence in the world. This picture has been taped to my filing cabinet right next to my desk for 6 or 7 years. To be honest though, I haven't actually seen him lately. Over time he has blended into the background of my cluttered office. He was supposed to remind me of the confidence and freedom that often times goes along with being 5 years old. Kids this age are naturally curious, and interact in the world with no filters. They are engaged and let their personalities shine.
I was that 5 year old once. That was before I began to create stories about myself. Stories full of doubt, about who I should be or need to be. Stories about what I should do or need to do. All to please others. Left unchecked, these kind of stories have a way of burying capes.
Guy Clark sings a song titled "The Cape". The chorus is..
Well, he's one of those who knows that life is just a leap of faithI haven't seen my cape in a while. It's just buried somewhere. Nor have I been in touch with that little boy. There have been no leaps. My recent life journeys have caused me to create so many complex and limiting stories about myself. I have felt as though blending into the background of my hectic life would be the best thing to do.
Spread your arms and hold your breath and always trust your cape
The Universe has an interesting way of speaking to me though. Yesterday I read the post above about shoes and then I had the vision of this boy and his cape. This morning I woke up with this Guy Clark song stuck in my head. With these three messages I realize now that I am ready to rediscover my cape. I am reminded that the stories I create about myself are only in my mind and are only true if I choose to believe them. Its up to me to spread my wings and take that leap of faith. If a borrowed pair of shoes can help my new friend identify with and own parts of her personality that were probably there already, then my imaginary cape can do this for me too.
I want to be known as this guy:
Now, he's old and gray with a flour sack cape tied all around his head
And he's still jumpin' off the garage and will be till he's dead
All these years the people said, he was actin' like a kid
He did not know he could not fly and so he did
It's time to don that cape. It's time to take a leap of faith and allow myself to fly. I own this.
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